Jobs to download videos for me. Jobs to Tweet messages. I love automation. And outside of the enterprise, most of it hinges on email. So I created a .NET library to do some of the email heavy lifting more me. Please check it out!
// setup some options
var options = new EmailWatcherOptions {
Host = "[POP host]",
Username = "[POP username]",
Password = "[POP password]",
TimeBetweenRefreshes = 30 // seconds
// create an Email Watcher and register a listener
var watcher = EmailWatcher.Public.EmailWatcher.WithOptions(options);
watcher.EmailReceivedEvent += (sender, args)
=> Console.WriteLine("Email Received! Id {0} Subject: {1}, Body: {2}", args.Message.Id, args.Message.Subject, args.Message.Body);
// start watching