MiSTer AO486 Core Part 0

DOS, FPGA, How To, MiSTer, Posts, Retrocomputing, Retrogaming, Single-Board Computing

DOS Gaming on MiSTer FPGA

Status Completed March 2021
Goal Play DOS and Windows 95 games on the MiSTer FPGA platform

Having recently acquired a Terasic DE10-Nano FGPA Development Kit, I was very keen to install the MiSTer software distribution and try some retro computing cores.

First on the list: the 80486 PC. I’ve many fond memories of DOS and Windows 95 gaming, messing with IRQ settings, tuning config.sys and autoexec.bat to get things working “just so”. Luckily for me, DOS gaming is very well served on MiSTer via the ao486 core.

After a lot of tinkering, I was able to setup file sharing, install a Memory Manager, configure the Sound Blaster, add CD-ROM and Mouse support, configure Roland MIDI and install Windows 95. A great result!

